Protein Information

Cytoscape View

UniProt AC / UniProt ID O94967 / WDR47_HUMAN
Protein Name WD repeat-containing protein 47
Gene Name Name: WDR47
Organism Homo sapiens (Human)

PRO ID PR:O94967
DAG View
PRO Name WD repeat-containing protein 47 (human)
Definition A WD repeat-containing protein 47 that is encoded in the genome of human.
Short Label hWDR47
Category organism-gene

Interactive Sequence View

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O94967 (WDR47) as Substrate

Site PTM Type PTM Enzyme Score Source PMID
S183 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
K188 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
Y280 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
T285 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 18669648
S289 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus 18669648
K290 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
S292 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 18669648, 20068231
S296 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus 18669648
S297 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 18669648
S304 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S312 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 23186163
S326 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
T338 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM 18669648
S339 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S357 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S359 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S369 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
Y371 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S374 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S422 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 18669648, 23186163
T423 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM 18669648
T518 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
T521 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
T522 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S528 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S536 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
T540 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S541 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
T542 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 23186163, 18220336
S558 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S578 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
T646 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
K648 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
K867 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
T898 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
Site PTM Type PTM Enzyme Score Source PMID
T285 Phosphorylation HPRD 18669648
S289 Phosphorylation HPRD 18669648
S292 Phosphorylation HPRD 18669648, 20068231
S296 Phosphorylation HPRD 18669648, 20068231
S297 Phosphorylation HPRD 18669648, 20068231
T338 Phosphorylation HPRD 18669648
S423 Phosphorylation HPRD 18669648, 20068231
T424 Phosphorylation HPRD 18669648
S559 Phosphorylation HPRD 18452278
S579 Phosphorylation HPRD 20068231

PTM sites affected in variants

Site Variant Source PMID Disease [Sample source]
Y280 H280 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
T285 I285 Biomuta DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
K290 R290 Biomuta DOID:2174 / ocular cancer [ cosmic ]
S312 F312 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
T521 S521 Biomuta DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ]
S536 A536 Biomuta DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ]
T540 P540 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
S541 G541 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
S541 N541 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
T542 N542 Biomuta DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ icgc ]
S578 P578 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ]
S579 P579 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ]
T898 I898 Biomuta DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]