Protein Information

Cytoscape View

UniProt AC / UniProt ID O43583 / DENR_HUMAN
Protein Name Density-regulated protein
Gene Name Name: DENR
Organism Homo sapiens (Human)

PRO ID PR:O43583
DAG View
PRO Name density-regulated protein (human)
Definition A density-regulated protein that is encoded in the genome of human.
Short Label hDENR
Category organism-gene

Interactive Sequence View

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O43583 (DENR) as Substrate

Site PTM Type PTM Enzyme Score Source PMID
A2 Acetylation UniProt 19413330, 22814378, 22223895
S6 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S9 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
K14 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
S20 Phosphorylation HPRD   PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 23186163, 20068231
K22 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
Y27 Phosphorylation HPRD   PhosphoSitePlus 20068231
K59 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
K59 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
T69 Phosphorylation HPRD   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus 19413330, 17287340, 20230923, ...19651622, 18669648, 20068231
S73 Phosphorylation HPRD   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   UniProt 19413330, 17322306, 21406692, ...17287340, 20230923, 18452278, 19651622, 18669648, 24275569, 18510355, 23186163, 35115540, 19690332, 20068231
S81 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
T86 Phosphorylation HPRD   PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 19413330, 23186163
K107 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
S189 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
K197 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus

PTM sites affected in variants

Site Variant Source PMID Disease [Sample source]
S9 I9 Biomuta DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
K22 T22 Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
K59 N59 Biomuta DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ]
T86 I86 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ]