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Protein Ontology Report - serpin

PR:000025875 -
Ontology Information
PRO ID PR:000025875 Show OBO stanza / PAF
PRO name serpin
Definition A protein that is primarily known as an irreversible serine protease inhibitor active against S1, S8 and C14 peptidases. There are both extra- and intra-cellular serpins, which are found in all groups of organisms with the notable exception of fungi. Serpin contains a copy of the Serpin (Pfam:PF00079) domain. [InterPro:IPR000215, PRO:CNA]
PRO Category family
Parent PR:000000001 protein
Term Hierarchy Visualization DAG     OLS     Cytoscape

Functional Annotation
PRO Term GO Annotation Evidence
has_part Pfam:PF00079 Serpin (serine protease inhibitor) PIRSF:PIRSF001630
