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Protein Ontology Report - tetraspanin

PR:000001403 -
Ontology Information
PRO ID PR:000001403 Show OBO stanza / PAF
PRO name tetraspanin
Definition A protein with four transmembrane domains, small intracellular amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions, and two extracellular loops, a small one (EC1) and a larger one (EC2) of about 100 residues. The EC2 loop contains at least 4 cysteine residues, including a highly conserved 'CCG' motif. [PRO:WCB, Wikipedia:Tetraspanin]
PRO Category family
Parent PR:000000001 protein
Term Hierarchy Visualization DAG     OLS     Cytoscape

Functional Annotation
PRO Term GO Annotation Evidence
has_part Pfam:PF00335 Tetraspanin family
