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Tutorial - Running PIRSitePredict from command line

From Native OS


  • Java 8. Please follow this link to download and install.
  • Latest HMMER software. Please follow this link to download and install.

One you have uncompressed your download, you can run it directly from the command line.

Run the supplied shell script. If you run this script with no arguments, you will be presented with the usage instructions:

$ ./pirsitepredict.sh

You will see the following usage instructions:

Welcome to PIRSitePredict
usage: java -Xms512M -Xmx2048M -jar PIRSitePredictorCommander.jar [options]
Available options:

          -A,--hmmalign <PATH/TO/HMMALIGN/COMMAND>              Path to the HMMER 3 hmmalign command.
          -d,--pirsr-data-dir <PATH/TO/PIRSR/Data/DIR>          Required, the directory where the PIR Site Rule data
                                                                (Site Rule, Site HMM models and Rule template sequence)
                                                                files are located.
          -e,--eval <E-VALUE>                                   The e-value cutoff of matches to SRHMM models (default:
          -F,--force-overwrite                                  Force overwrite output directory.
          -f,--formats <PREDICTION-OUTPUT-FORMATS>              Comma separated list of output formats. Supported
                                                                formats are TSV, GFF3, XML.
          -h,--help                                             Show help.
          -i,--iprscan-xml <PATH/TO/IPRSCAN/XML/FILE>           Required, the path to InterProScan XML file.
          -l,--log-file <PATH/TO/LOG/FILE>                      Path to log file.
          -o,--output-dir <PATH/TO/OUTPUT/DIR>                  Output directory. It will be created automatically if it
                                                                does not exist. Default: 'outputDir' in the current
          -O,--organism <TAXONOMY>                              The taxonomic classification is composed of the kingdom,
                                                                optionally followed by the name of a sub-taxon, to
                                                                further limit the application of the UniRule to any
                                                                taxonomic level. Valid values for kingdom are:
                                                                Eukaryota,Bacteria, Archaea, Viruses, Bacteriophage, Plastid and Mitochondrion. Default:
          -S,--hmmsearch <PATH/TO/HMMSEARCH/COMMAND>            Path to the HMMER 3 hmmsearch command.

PIRSitePredict test run

The distribution of PIRSitePredict provides a InterProScan XML test file (example/example_interproscan.xml) and its corresponding predictions in TSV, XML and GFF4 formats:

which you can use to check how PIRSitePredict behaves on your system. Run the following command:
$ ./pirsitepredict.sh -d data -i example/example_interproscan.xml -S PATH/TO/hmmsearch -A /PATH/To/hmmalign -o example_test -f TSV,XML,GFF3 -F
The standard output will be something like below:
2015/06/01 14:40:14:264 Welcome to PIRSitePredictor!

Command options: 
-d data -i example/example_interproscan.xml -S hmmer-3.1b2-macosx-intel/binaries/hmmsearch -A hmmer-3.1b2-macosx-intel/binaries/hmmalign -o example_test -f TSV,XML,GFF3 -F 

2015/06/01 14:40:14:590 PIRSitePredictor (Get Rule Trigger Info)

2015/06/01 14:40:14:678 PIRSitePredictor (Get Rule Template Info)

2015/06/01 14:40:14:678 PIRSitePredictor (Extract match info from InterProScan XML)
Prediction results in TSV format is at: example_test/prediction/pirsr_prediction.tsv

Prediction results in XML format is at: example_test/prediction/pirsr_prediction.xml

Prediction results in GFF3 format is at: example_test/prediction/pirsr_prediction.gff3

From Docker Container

Set up local working directory to hold input and output files. It will be mounted into Docker container.
$ mkdir /your/localworkdir/

$ cd /your/localworkdir/

$ ls 
$ docker run -v /your/localworkdir:/workdir chenc/pirsitepredict -d data -i /workdir/my_interproscan.xml -f TSV,XML,GFF3 -F -o /workdir/my_output

Unable to find image 'chenc/pirsitepredict:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from chenc/pirsitepredict
7448db3b31eb: Downloading [==>                                                ] 2.151 MB/52.47 MB
c36604fa7939: Downloading [=============>                                     ]  5.32 MB/19.19 MB
29e8ef0e3340: Downloading [===>                                               ] 3.068 MB/43.16 MB
a0c934d2565d: Waiting 
a360a17c9cab: Waiting 
cfcc996af805: Waiting 
2cf014724202: Waiting 
4bc402a00dfe: Waiting 
4fdacf43b5a9: Waiting 
e4ea4f8f03ad: Waiting 
24ed79da47ae: Waiting 
bf24c863f343: Waiting 
d569faef9da4: Waiting 
5de61f4e1166: Waiting 
1a34d3d388b3: Waiting 


7448db3b31eb: Pull complete 
c36604fa7939: Pull complete 
29e8ef0e3340: Pull complete 
a0c934d2565d: Pull complete 
a360a17c9cab: Pull complete 
cfcc996af805: Pull complete 
2cf014724202: Pull complete 
4bc402a00dfe: Pull complete 
4fdacf43b5a9: Pull complete 
e4ea4f8f03ad: Pull complete 
24ed79da47ae: Pull complete 
bf24c863f343: Pull complete 
d569faef9da4: Pull complete 
5de61f4e1166: Pull complete 
1a34d3d388b3: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:92439d3ac975872eac49f2da61ebb054e6fe9b68ae64f29b9096a9ded3bce2cf
Status: Downloaded newer image for chenc/pirsitepredict:latest

2018/03/15 02:34:39:736	Welcome to PIRSitePredict!

Current working directory: /
Command options: 
-S hmmer-3.1b2-linux-intel-x86_64/binaries/hmmsearch -A hmmer-3.1b2-linux-intel-x86_64/binaries/hmmalign -d data -i /workdir/my_interproscan.xml -f TSV,XML,GFF3 -F -o /workdir/my_output 

2018/03/15 02:34:40:529	PIRSitePredict (Get Rule Trigger Info)

2018/03/15 02:34:40:874	PIRSitePredict (Get Rule Template Info)

2018/03/15 02:34:40:884	PIRSitePredict (Extract match info from InterProScan XML)


2018/03/15 02:35:01:238	Prediction results in TSV format is at: /workdir/my_output/prediction/pirsr_prediction.tsv

2018/03/15 02:35:01:336	Prediction results in XML format is at: /workdir/my_output/prediction/pirsr_prediction.xml

2018/03/15 02:35:01:404	Prediction results in GFF3 format is at: /workdir/my_output/prediction/pirsr_prediction.gff3

2018/03/15 02:35:01:404	Prediction is finished. Results are in: "/workdir/my_output/prediction"

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