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Protein Ontology Report - complex:ferritin (human)

PR:000050342 -
Ontology Information
PRO ID PR:000050342 Show OBO stanza
PRO name ferritin complex (human)
PRO-short-label: complex:ferritin (human)
Definition A ferritin complex that is composed of varying ratios of ferritin heavy chain (human) and ferritin light chain (human) for a total of twenty-four subunits. [PRO:DAN]
Comment Requested by=MAxO.
PRO Category organism-complex
Parent GO:0070288 ferritin complex
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Category Number of Terms
organism-complex 1
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Complex Forms
PRO ID & Category Annotation Subunits Name Short Label Definition & Comment

Complex Subunits
Complex PRO ID Name Short Label Definition Number in Complex
PR:000050342 PR:P02792 ferritin light chain (human) hFTL A ferritin light chain that is encoded in the genome of human. [PRO:DNx, UniProtKB:P02792] 1
PR:P02794 ferritin heavy chain (human) hFTH1 A ferritin heavy chain that is encoded in the genome of human. [PRO:DNx, UniProtKB:P02794] 1
PR:000000001 protein protein An amino acid chain that is produced de novo by ribosome-mediated translation of a genetically-encoded mRNA, and any derivatives thereof. [PRO:DAN, PRO:WCB] 24
