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Protein Ontology Report - transcription factor TFIIF complex (human)

PR:000026443 -
Ontology Information
PRO ID PR:000026443 Show OBO stanza
PRO name transcription factor TFIIF complex (human)
EXACT: TFIIF (human)
Definition A transcription factor TFIIF complex whose components are encoded in the genome of human. [PRO:DAN, Reactome:R-HSA-109631]
PRO Category organism-complex
Parent GO:0005674 transcription factor TFIIF complex
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Category Number of Terms
organism-complex 1
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Complex Forms
PRO ID & Category Annotation Subunits Name Short Label Definition & Comment

Complex Subunits
Complex PRO ID Name Short Label Definition Number in Complex
PR:000026443 PR:000026428 general transcription factor IIF subunit 2, initiator methionine removed form (human) hGTF2F2/InitMet- A general transcription factor IIF subunit 2, initiator methionine removed form in human. UniProtKB:P13984, 2-249. [PRO:DNx] 1
PR:000026429 general transcription factor IIF subunit 1, initiator methionine removed form (human) hGTF2F1/InitMet- A general transcription factor IIF subunit 1, initiator methionine removed form in human. UniProtKB:P35269, 2-517. [PRO:DNx] 1
