PMID: 18362890    RLIMS-P  3    Check other iTextMine results Issue Report

1.Threonine 74 of MOB1 is a putative key phosphorylation site by MST2 to form the scaffold to activate nuclear Dbf2-related kinase 1.
5.The in vitro biochemical study demonstrates the phosphorylation of MOB1 by MST2.
6.The phosphorylated MOB1 alone is capable to partially activate NDR1 in vitro, but MST2 is also required for the full activation.
9.Thr74, but not Thr181, is phosphorylated by MST2 in vitro, although MOB1 is also phosphorylated by MST2 at other site(s).
11.These findings indicate that the phosphorylation of MOB1 at Thr74 by MST2 is essential to make a complex of MOB1, MST2 and NDR1, and to fully activate NDR1.

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PTM enzymeSubstrateSiteSentence
MST2 (Q13188)MOB1 (Q9H8S9)Thr-741, 9, 11
MOB1 (Q9H8S9)6
MST2 (Q13188)MOB1 (Q9H8S9)5, 9