PMID: 17142325    RLIMS-P  5    Check other iTextMine results Issue Report

1.FHIT-proteasome degradation caused by mitogenic stimulation of the EGF receptor family in cancer cells.
3.The human Fhit protein undergoes phosphorylation on tyrosine residue 114 by Src and related kinases both in vitro and in vivo.
5.However, the biological significance of Fhit phosphorylation by Src has remained elusive.
7.Activation of EGF receptor family members induced Fhit phosphorylation by Src and the subsequent proteasome degradation of the phosphorylated Fhit protein.
8.Indeed, the use of the Fhit mutant Y114F, which carries a phenylalanine instead of a tyrosine at position 114, unable to be phosphorylated on tyrosine 114 by Src, prevents Fhit degradation.
10.During the signaling pathway of activated tyrosine kinase receptors, the phosphorylation of Fhit induces its degradation and the subsequent reduction in Fhit protein levels allows the transmission of the mitogenic signal; immediately thereafter, Fhit protein levels are restored.

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PTM enzymeSubstrateSiteSentence
Src (P12931)Fhit (P49789)5, 7
Src (P12931)Fhit protein (P49789)Tyr-1143
Src (P12931)Fhit (P49789)Tyr-1148
Src (P12931)Fhit protein (P49789)7
Fhit (P49789)10