PMID: 23947369    eFIP  3    Check other iTextMine results Issue Report

1.Activation of Gαstimulates Fhit Tyrphosphorylation in a Src-dependent mannar while activated Gαcan associate with Fhit independent of Src.A, HEK293 cells were co-transfected with either pcDNA3 (Vector) or pcDNA3-Fhit in combination with pcDNA3 or pcDNA3-Src.
1.In an attempt to unveil the biological function of the Gαq/Fhit interaction, we asked if such association is affected by Fhit phosphorylation at Tyr114 or Fhit’s ability to bind Ap3A.
5.Since Flag-Fhit Y114F appeared to interact with constitutively active GαqRC to an extent similar to Flag-Fhit (Figure 5A), it suggests that phosphorylation of Fhit Tyr114 is not a prerequisite for the formation of Gαq/Fhit complexes.

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Tool: eFIP

PTM enzymeSubstrateSiteImpactInteractantSentence
Fhit (P49789)Gαcan

10.1 (results)

Fhit (P49789)Tyr-114byGαq (P50148)

23.1 (results)

Fhit (P49789)Tyr-114constitutively active GαqRC

23.5 (results)