Protein Information

Cytoscape View

UniProt AC / UniProt ID P62955 / CCG7_HUMAN
Protein Name Voltage-dependent calcium channel gamma-7 subunit
Gene Name Name: CACNG7
Organism Homo sapiens (Human)

PRO ID PR:P62955
DAG View
PRO Name voltage-dependent calcium channel gamma-7 subunit (human)
Definition A voltage-dependent calcium channel gamma-7 subunit that is encoded in the genome of human.
Short Label hCACNG7
Category organism-gene

Interactive Sequence View

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P62955 (CACNG7) as Substrate

Site PTM Type PTM Enzyme Score Source PMID
S2 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S5 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S6 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
T99 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
T101 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S107 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
Y258 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
Y264 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus

PTM sites affected in variants

Site Variant Source PMID Disease [Sample source]
S5 I5 Biomuta DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ]
S6 I6 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
T99 A99 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
T99 M99 Biomuta DOID:9253 / gastrointestinal stromal tumor [ cosmic ]
S107 I107 Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
Y258 * Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]