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UniProt AC / UniProt ID P39083 / RGA1_YEAST
Protein Name Rho-type GTPase-activating protein 1
Gene Name Name: RGA1
Organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c) (Baker's yeast)

PRO ID PR:P39083
DAG View
PRO Name Rho-type GTPase-activating protein 1 (yeast)
Definition A protein that is a translation product of the RGA1 gene in yeast.
Short Label yRGA1
Category organism-gene

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P39083 (RGA1) as Substrate

Site PTM Type PTM Enzyme Score Source PMID
T157 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703, 33491328
S161 Phosphorylation SGD 33491328
T170 Phosphorylation BioGRID   SGD 19795423, 33481703, 19823750
S172 Phosphorylation BioGRID   SGD 33491328, 19779198, 19795423, ...19823750, 33481703
S176 Phosphorylation BioGRID   SGD 33491328, 19795423, 19823750, ...33481703
S183 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703
S209 Phosphorylation SGD 33491328
S213 Phosphorylation SGD 33491328
T278 Phosphorylation BioGRID   RLIMS-P   SGD   UniProt 33481703, 17330950, 18407956, ...23749301, 19779198, 25860339, 33491328
S284 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703, 33491328
S291 Phosphorylation BioGRID   SGD   UniProt 19779198, 32597660, 23749301, ...33491328
S291 Phosphorylation P00546 (CDC28) BioGRID 19779198
S291 Phosphorylation P24869 (CLB2) BioGRID 19779198
S322 Phosphorylation BioGRID 15665377
T326 Phosphorylation BioGRID 19684113
S327 Phosphorylation SGD 33491328
S331 Phosphorylation BioGRID   SGD 19779198, 33481703, 33491328, ...23749301
S334 Phosphorylation BioGRID   SGD 19684113, 33481703, 23749301, ...19779198
S343 Phosphorylation SGD 33491328
S388 Phosphorylation BioGRID   SGD 33481703, 18407956, 33491328
S409 Phosphorylation SGD 33491328
S423 Phosphorylation SGD 33491328
S445 Phosphorylation SGD 32597660, 33491328, 33481703, ...23749301
S448 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703
S455 Phosphorylation SGD 33491328
T470 Phosphorylation SGD 34680163, 23749301
T498 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703
S519 Phosphorylation BioGRID   SGD 33481703, 18407956, 33491328
S521 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703, 33491328, 18407956, ...23749301
S529 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703, 33491328, 23749301
T532 Phosphorylation BioGRID   SGD   UniProt 19779198, 34680163, 23749301, ...33481703
T541 Phosphorylation SGD 34680163, 33481703, 33491328
S546 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703
S547 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703
T549 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703
T571 Phosphorylation SGD 34680163, 23749301, 33491328
T574 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703
S579 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703, 33491328, 23749301
S593 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703
S595 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703
S600 Phosphorylation SGD 33491328
S652 Phosphorylation SGD 33491328
S679 Phosphorylation BioGRID   SGD 20489023, 33481703, 33491328
S729 Phosphorylation SGD 33491328
S735 Phosphorylation SGD 33491328
S738 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703
S739 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703, 33491328
S741 Phosphorylation BioGRID   SGD 19779198, 33481703, 18407956, ...33491328
S743 Phosphorylation SGD 33481703, 33491328, 23749301
S749 Phosphorylation BioGRID   SGD 20489023, 32597660, 33481703, ...33491328
T855 Phosphorylation SGD 34680163