Protein Information

Cytoscape View

UniProt AC / UniProt ID P18266 / GSK3B_RAT
Protein Name Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta
Gene Name Name: Gsk3b
Organism Rattus norvegicus (Rat)

PRO ID PR:P18266
DAG View
PRO Name glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (rat)
Definition A glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta that is encoded in the genome of rat.
Short Label rGSK3B
Category organism-gene

Interactive Sequence View

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P18266 (Gsk3b) as Substrate

Site PTM Type PTM Enzyme Score Source PMID
S9 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   RLIMS-P 21457712, 24211784, 16051512, ...21265094, 10995469, 25476250, 29043099, 23943518, 16902054, 25424428, 27235578, 16557150, 28197192, 32783850, 19875195, 21420928, 22922600, 16996218, 26899575, 10910956, 25535091, 11533051, 25234320, 26504753, 23266915, 16181430, 18983912, 22643085, 24248537, 24722055, 11094086, 21945291, 31046517, 12551719, 23603260, 22960175, 33519375, 17427960, 12710887, 29298655, 26918336, 15788447, 16611852, 8250835, 28185129, 29656013, 19318234, 17570255, 22975711, 30868494, 28868045, 26300412, 16478782, 16810687, 29555592, 18434357, 27768739, 16934435, 28315454, 34948265, 15950778, 23302675, 23088308, 16041621, 23321003, 24950409, 19218353, 20433952, 26305322, 27208492, 18840784, 18660440, 15877933, 18323734, 20180783, 15741240, 17686886, 17996850, 20362550, 20549454, 16802321, 31316348, 15073173, 18089761, 28446231, 20841359, 27034732, 12421827, 23860320, 28957873, 23701903, 25938237, 26386043, 12526086, 27866373, 26218875, 28961505, 28821999, 16191209, 17623045, 21643720, 20398714, 31201872, 19033378, 24583037, 27107885, 30457911, 19652884, 20154265, 31197456, 26131182, 28964909, 26144579, 29346712, 11978789, 19887077, 20308788, 16538228
S9 Phosphorylation P08413 (Camk2b) PhosphoSitePlus 20841359
S9 Phosphorylation P27791 (Prkaca) PhosphoSitePlus 11094086, 11978789, 12421827
S9 Phosphorylation P47196 (Akt1) PhosphoSitePlus 15073173
S9 Phosphorylation P67999 (Rps6kb1) PhosphoSitePlus 8250835
S21 Phosphorylation RLIMS-P 26305322, 27107885, 16934435
Y71 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
K205 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
S215 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
Y216 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   UniProt 12551719, 27768739, 28265857, ...30263603, 34948265, 10995469, 8382613, 23321003, 29197866, 25724082, 22922600, 27012722, 24583037, 18485099, 22212922, 28197192, 32823945, 24722055, 28468966, 26144579, 24349798, 26352537
S219 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
Y221 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S389 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 22673903

P18266 (Gsk3b) as PTM Enzyme

Substrate Site Score Source PMID
P15337 (Creb1) S129 PhosphoSitePlus 7798217
P16884 (Nefh) S493 PhosphoSitePlus 12130654
P31016 (Dlg4) T19 RLIMS-P+ 23864697
P39948 (Ccnd1) T286 RLIMS-P+ 10910956
P47942 (Dpysl2) T514 Signor 15652488
P47942 (Dpysl2) S518 Signor 15652488
Q05764 (Add2) S598 PhosphoSitePlus 21606488
Q05764 (Add2) S692 PhosphoSitePlus 21606488
Q62952 (Dpysl3) T509 Signor 16611631
Q62952 (Dpysl3) T514 Signor 16611631
Q62952 (Dpysl3) S518 Signor 16611631
Q62952 (Dpysl3) S522 Signor 16611631
Q64350 (Eif2b5) S535 PhosphoSitePlus 15001529
Q66H76 (Pxn) S126 PhosphoSitePlus 16537926
Q9ESI7 (Dcx) S332 PhosphoSitePlus 21159948
Q9R1U5 (Sik1) T182 PhosphoSitePlus 18348280, 18946175
Q9R1U5 (Sik1) S186 PhosphoSitePlus 18946175
Q9WU82 (Ctnnb1) S33 PhosphoSitePlus 15064718, 17260019
Q9WU82 (Ctnnb1) S37 PhosphoSitePlus 15064718
Q9WU82 (Ctnnb1) T41 PhosphoSitePlus 15064718
Q9WU82 (Ctnnb1) S45 PhosphoSitePlus 15064718