Protein Information

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UniProt AC / UniProt ID P05412 / JUN_HUMAN
Protein Name Transcription factor Jun
Gene Name Name: JUN
Organism Homo sapiens (Human)

PRO ID PR:P05412
DAG View
PRO Name transcription factor Jun (human)
Definition A transcription factor Jun that is encoded in the genome of human.
Short Label hJUN
Category organism-gene

Interactive Sequence View

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P05412 (JUN) as Substrate

Site PTM Type PTM Enzyme Score Source PMID
T2 Phosphorylation neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 21177766
T2 Phosphorylation Q13177 (PAK2) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 21177766
T8 Phosphorylation neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 21177766
T8 Phosphorylation Q13177 (PAK2) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 21177766
Y26 Phosphorylation RLIMS-P+ 16740711
Y26 Phosphorylation P41240 (CSK) RLIMS-P+ 16740711
S37 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S48 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
K50 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
K50 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
K56 Sumoylation PhosphoSitePlus
S58 Phosphorylation HPRD   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 18669648, 21406692
T62 Phosphorylation HPRD   PhosphoSitePlus 19413330
S63 Phosphorylation HPRD   neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PRO   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 9348296, 16009721, 21296766, ...19860880, 29078276, 26035356, 7737130, 26289944, 21406692, 18212344, 15844359, 25814555, 20490773, 23752190, 12040039, 8426747, 16819515, 27324700, 10509564, 23665993, 16698017, 9365242, 31942184, 11401472, 16934508, 17510314, 14657232, 23645983, 15226308, 30531837, 20082306, 31964911, 16733206, 18419764, 18707149, 28470144, 25121353, 15302935, 21296815, 19664995, 9687508, 24291398, 14739463, 24512202, 24113186, 9425017, 10556784, 9988737, 11432833, 10974006, 14617628, 33928088, 11352915, 16834785, 36253406, 24838122, 17455299, 17671211, 10393085, 25402510, 32369499, 27556506, 11046144, 1630458, 26018080, 9742208, 20058876, 7898927, 22266871, 10754497, 29029460, 10788439, 19806201, 12900420, 31766464, 10617104, 28057023, 9162025, 11278277, 28539628, 25422452, 28811522, 7935387, 11948398, 19118012, 15138488, 15240010, 27486656, 26745678, 9407138, 33117682, 8072547, 15896775, 1328860, 12881422, 24038215, 9784400, 23186163, 12947046, 11076965, 18452278, 10667594, 20395206, 32266931, 23942796, 19690332, 11896587, 34408980, 22561846, 24118792, 26755651, 11961130, 12169099, 9682022, 29285221, 21212517, 9464996, 15845392, 9878062, 15860507, 24631457, 32982289, 11737865, 22360706, 8137421, 30922965, 12221076, 18669648, 14508071, 22860098, 23792175, 18844221, 10064599, 10581177, 20482821, 22406864, 16964287, 24797581, 30887599, 18252863, 15378002, 9407028, 24606718, 8355696, 8224842, 31956895, 17670986, 8036019, 9820149, 27869123, 25823818, 28542209, 15135887, 16481106, 26098773, 8016110, 19413330, 12646240, 17908424, 15389828, 12441106, 8654373, 17804415, 9293774, 24618420, 25121739, 18793328, 1324919, 19604147, 11739718, 22067274, 21364631, 25483191, 12853483, 20068231, 18650425, 32690100
S63 Phosphorylation P06493 (CDK1) neXtProt 1328860
S63 Phosphorylation P27361 (MAPK3) Signor 12169099
S63 Phosphorylation P45983 (MAPK8) HPRD   neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus 19413330, 8224842, 18212344, ...16009721, 8654373, 21212517, 20058876, 8137421, 19664995, 11896587, 18669648, 11948398, 17671211, 18707149, 12900420, 14617628, 18452278, 9687508, 19118012, 20068231, 7737130
S63 Phosphorylation P45984 (MAPK9) neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 14617628, 12040039, 7737130, ...9687508, 19118012, 11948398
S63 Phosphorylation P53779 (MAPK10) neXtProt   Signor 20395206, 17670986
S63 Phosphorylation Q00526 (CDK3) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 26755651, 19118012
S63 Phosphorylation Q15139 (PRKD1) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus 11948398
S63 Phosphorylation Q8TD08 (MAPK15) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 12169099, 20395206
S63 Phosphorylation Q96KB5 (PBK) PhosphoSitePlus 26745678
S63 Phosphorylation Q99986 (VRK1) phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 15378002
S63 Phosphorylation Q9H4B4 (PLK3) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17804415, 21296815, 18650425
K70 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
S73 O-Glycosylation GlyGen 23301498, 33214551, 35138101, ...32870666, 33686291, 29351928, 34019948, 31492838, 31394193, 15327282, 26825459
S73 Phosphorylation HPRD   neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PRO   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 21296766, 16009721, 31772330, ...19860880, 29078276, 14739463, 26035356, 7737130, 26289944, 15844359, 25814555, 12040039, 8426747, 16819515, 27324700, 12021409, 30195772, 1328860, 9365242, 31942184, 11401472, 17510314, 32054096, 21559334, 19664995, 26078032, 16733206, 8072547, 25121353, 15302935, 21296815, 24291398, 24938188, 14690535, 9425017, 27869123, 27590675, 9988737, 11432833, 14617628, 23562655, 33928088, 11352915, 1630458, 36253406, 24838122, 12881422, 10393085, 11046144, 21808000, 16834785, 9407028, 9742208, 7898927, 22266871, 7935387, 10788439, 19806201, 31766464, 10617104, 28057023, 9162025, 11278277, 28539628, 25422452, 12740383, 33926470, 7813438, 15240010, 26745678, 12531896, 9407138, 29888211, 33117682, 9488446, 15896775, 1324919, 17455299, 9784400, 29029460, 30887599, 11076965, 9174618, 10581177, 28184937, 20395206, 22327296, 24118792, 26755651, 25714020, 11961130, 12169099, 25402510, 9464996, 11971971, 9878062, 15860507, 32982289, 11180173, 8137421, 18669648, 22860098, 10064599, 10667594, 27089238, 18707149, 22406864, 24797581, 18252863, 15378002, 25797258, 8355696, 28169350, 9651196, 18805449, 8875991, 8224842, 31956895, 8036019, 9687508, 31918717, 21860415, 28542209, 15135887, 17325487, 14657232, 8016110, 19937805, 31878941, 17908424, 24512202, 12441106, 17804415, 9293774, 18793328, 27708396, 21364631, 25260534, 19118012, 12853483, 18650425, 10523630
S73 Phosphorylation P06493 (CDK1) neXtProt 1328860
S73 Phosphorylation P27361 (MAPK3) Signor 12169099
S73 Phosphorylation P45983 (MAPK8) HPRD   neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus 8224842, 16009721, 12531896, ...19664995, 8137421, 12740383, 18669648, 18707149, 22327296, 9687508, 19118012, 7737130
S73 Phosphorylation P45984 (MAPK9) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 9687508, 12040039, 7737130
S73 Phosphorylation P53779 (MAPK10) Signor 20395206
S73 Phosphorylation Q00526 (CDK3) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 26755651, 19118012
S73 Phosphorylation Q8TD08 (MAPK15) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 12169099, 20395206
S73 Phosphorylation Q96KB5 (PBK) PhosphoSitePlus 26745678
S73 Phosphorylation Q99986 (VRK1) phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 15378002
S73 Phosphorylation Q9H4B4 (PLK3) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17804415, 21296815, 18650425
S83 O-Glycosylation GlyGen 23301498, 33214551, 35138101, ...32870666, 33686291, 29351928, 34019948, 31492838, 31394193, 15327282, 26825459
S84 O-Glycosylation GlyGen 23301498, 33214551, 35138101, ...32870666, 33686291, 29351928, 34019948, 31492838, 31394193, 30012597, 15327282, 26825459
T89 Phosphorylation neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 21177766
T89 Phosphorylation Q13177 (PAK2) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 21177766
T90 O-Glycosylation GlyGen 23301498, 33214551, 35138101, ...32870666, 33686291, 29351928, 34019948, 31492838, 31394193, 15327282, 26825459
T91 O-Glycosylation GlyGen 23301498, 33214551, 35138101, ...32870666, 33686291, 29351928, 34019948, 31492838, 31394193, 15327282, 26825459
T91 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   UniProt 17920329, 15302935, 22266871, ...12853483, 36253406, 14739463, 24113186, 19806201
T91 Phosphorylation P45983 (MAPK8) PhosphoSitePlus 17920329
T93 Phosphorylation neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 17920329, 15302935, 22266871, ...12853483, 36253406, 21177766, 14739463, 24113186, 19806201
T93 Phosphorylation P45983 (MAPK8) PhosphoSitePlus 17920329
T93 Phosphorylation Q13177 (PAK2) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 21177766
T95 O-Glycosylation GlyGen 23301498, 33214551, 35138101, ...32870666, 33686291, 29351928, 34019948, 31492838, 31394193, 15327282, 26825459
T95 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P 17920329, 24113186
T131 O-Glycosylation GlyGen 30012597
T131 Phosphorylation RLIMS-P 11823425
S132 O-Glycosylation GlyGen 30012597
Y170 Phosphorylation HPRD   neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   RLIMS-P   Signor 15302935, 10637231, 14757045, ...16740711, 19818398
Y170 Phosphorylation P00519 (ABL1) HPRD   neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 10637231
Y170 Phosphorylation P41240 (CSK) RLIMS-P+ 16740711, 19818398
K226 Sumoylation PhosphoSitePlus
T231 Phosphorylation HPRD   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17215518, 11075956, 1516134
T231 Phosphorylation P68400 (CSNK2A1) HPRD   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 1516134, 17215518
T239 Phosphorylation HPRD   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 19413330, 1846781, 32054096, ...16023596, 1956339, 18669648, 19806201, 21647439
T239 Phosphorylation P49840 (GSK3A) Signor 1846781
T239 Phosphorylation P49841 (GSK3B) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 1846781, 16023596
S243 Phosphorylation HPRD   neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 19413330, 16023596, 23186163, ...1421569, 20831597, 1846781, 17215518, 26243309, 17952113, 18669648, 22307329, 21278055, 1516134, 1328860, 19806201, 1651323, 19690332
S243 Phosphorylation P06493 (CDK1) neXtProt 1328860
S243 Phosphorylation P49840 (GSK3A) Signor 1846781
S243 Phosphorylation P49841 (GSK3B) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 16023596, 1846781, 17215518
S243 Phosphorylation P68400 (CSNK2A1) PhosphoSitePlus 1516134, 17215518
S243 Phosphorylation Q92630 (DYRK2) neXtProt   Signor 22307329, 20831597
S249 Phosphorylation HPRD   neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor   UniProt 19413330, 8464713, 1846781, ...17215518, 1516134
S249 Phosphorylation P49840 (GSK3A) Signor 1846781
S249 Phosphorylation P68400 (CSNK2A1) HPRD   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 19413330, 17215518, 1516134
S249 Phosphorylation P78527 (PRKDC) HPRD   neXtProt 19413330, 8464713, 1516134
K254 Sumoylation PhosphoSitePlus
K268 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
C269 S-Nitrosylation dbSNO 23796488, 9108029
K271 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 11689449
K273 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
T286 Phosphorylation neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 21177766
T286 Phosphorylation Q13177 (PAK2) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 21177766
K309 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
C320 Methylation IEDB 31844290
C320 S-Nitrosylation dbSNO 23796488, 9108029
Site PTM Type PTM Enzyme Score Source PMID
K268 Acetylation PRO 18793328
K268 Acetylation PR:000007102 (EP300) PRO 18793328
K271 Acetylation PRO 18793328
K271 Acetylation PR:000007102 (EP300) PRO 18793328
K273 Acetylation PRO 18793328
K273 Acetylation PR:000007102 (EP300) PRO 18793328


PRO ID (Short Label) Sites PTM Enzyme Source PMID
PR:000048089 (hJUN/Phos:2) pS63,pS73 PRO
PR:000028616 (hJUN/iso:1/Ac:1) acK268,acK271,acK273 PR:000007102 (EP300) PRO 18793328

PTM-dependent PPI

PTM type Substrate Site Interactant Association type Source PMID
Phosphorylation O60829 (PAGE4) T51 P05412 (JUN) unknown eFIP 24559171
Phosphorylation P05412 (JUN) S73 P05412 (JUN) unknown eFIP 28184937
Phosphorylation P05412 (JUN) S73 P01100 (FOS) increased_association eFIP 19860880

PTM sites affected in variants

Site Variant Source PMID Disease [Sample source]
S37 I37 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
S37 N37 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
S37 R37 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ]
K56 N56 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
K70 T70 Biomuta DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
S73 L73 Biomuta DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
T239 I239 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ]