Protein Information

Cytoscape View

UniProt AC / UniProt ID P04637 / P53_HUMAN
Protein Name Cellular tumor antigen p53
Gene Name Name: TP53
Organism Homo sapiens (Human)

PRO ID PR:P04637
DAG View
PRO Name cellular tumor antigen p53 (human)
Definition A cellular tumor antigen p53 that is encoded in the genome of human.
Short Label hTP53
Category organism-gene

Interactive Sequence View

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P04637 (TP53) as Substrate

Site PTM Type PTM Enzyme Score Source PMID
Ubiquitination PRO
S6 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor 20421190, 22615843, 19882354, ...16014005, 15177039, 27030982, 18344416, 11302731, 11850826, 17525747, 10208433, 12676607, 10930428, 12519780, 22419115, 15026814, 21454683, 19295133, 24640606, 17511890, 30066888, 28968425, 29298131, 15471885, 12438576, 24096875, 17509529, 12860987, 29233996, 26418879, 22859938
S6 Phosphorylation P45984 (MAPK9) Signor 17525747
S9 Phosphorylation neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 9363941, 35829882, 20421190, ...12438576, 15381073, 15177039, 27030982, 11302731, 22574148, 11850826, 28878400, 11875057, 10208433, 12676607, 10930428, 12890678, 12702572, 18022393, 11447225, 24831807, 32398747, 17511890, 30066888, 29298131, 19882354, 24096875, 22914926, 12082529, 20635899, 15355354, 31466709, 29334793
S9 Phosphorylation P48730 (CSNK1D) PhosphoSitePlus 10930428
S9 Phosphorylation P78527 (PRKDC) PhosphoSitePlus 15355354, 15381073
S9 Phosphorylation Q13315 (ATM) Signor 11875057
S15 Phosphorylation IntAct   neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PRO   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 30808373, 26928575, 24682933, ...18847491, 11447225, 26522181, 24445528, 23027622, 29235570, 26485768, 24867336, 15095398, 24024154, 31821701, 15642743, 15659650, 25489053, 17108107, 29221109, 18048073, 17106255, 21163364, 28904350, 22767080, 10544021, 32733438, 23128467, 23557329, 12659830, 18802408, 31366902, 25860929, 27698449, 15381073, 32863918, 23640457, 29096294, 23610071, 24934860, 16928824, 17591690, 16827804, 25372714, 28794470, 10485486, 21945951, 26441204, 17241873, 27556362, 26673821, 22266868, 15254178, 17712528, 11857452, 24608431, 18248856, 27195669, 22996738, 30975543, 23238993, 30057418, 16043514, 24244715, 26327815, 18612383, 21918620, 11875057, 26571493, 17174366, 29048667, 23949216, 21866568, 27551445, 19363523, 31150435, 29622681, 33745968, 15155458, 30093397, 11965244, 28667090, 16313886, 22435726, 31379409, 11546806, 12637545, 23483203, 24885082, 19660097, 15081425, 12969974, 23050037, 12419181, 15752772, 26876197, 23566959, 12767922, 31699974, 16314418, 10673501, 12438576, 21167122, 22114676, 16024799, 15355354, 32427887, 16715525, 27283986, 30177839, 22574148, 22615843, 20948430, 15713892, 17517898, 24555657, 33808426, 19952118, 12478472, 1406679, 11483158, 21368894, 20931131, 21390062, 29383186, 10713094, 11861384, 22514710, 33503543, 20840867, 16414131, 19454177, 10734308, 21549095, 25603347, 24619359, 11244509, 15077171, 30388705, 28455491, 12238331, 36094323, 23139272, 14623946, 23705030, 18311036, 33146634, 18191923, 16600182, 27644130, 17855337, 31111215, 17977830, 23263852, 22962590, 15794754, 18519674, 17126818, 21499441, 12606123, 36300938, 26138448, 18785202, 19112505, 19397953, 26699757, 25883152, 16478990, 11121242, 21909130, 11865061, 12584171, 14757188, 24379680, 33166398, 12676607, 27742673, 17512204, 23887628, 12811820, 21960246, 32213959, 17582679, 28726723, 26967060, 10597277, 21783897, 25051404, 16818520, 26387611, 12531896, 22627294, 27810895, 24380814, 18082226, 16082226, 27097159, 21797208, 14559802, 19426797, 21045015, 16140041, 24089038, 16611888, 10860736, 19828454, 23108402, 30424508, 27545311, 24037342, 18504176, 26687066, 26041883, 11470744, 15866171, 18332866, 26095524, 28993697, 30982228, 25650067, 27863490, 24801380, 11397945, 24264057, 25637534, 28605833, 20226587, 12902982, 24797517, 33982778, 20809980, 10535931, 10723129, 18585854, 24553354, 21857991, 20308316, 26297485, 25524025, 29899847, 25198662, 15381086, 21114963, 25980443, 30142917, 28714848, 22797063, 26144554, 21394211, 20432447, 11103796, 31979361, 25852310, 23883471, 29298131, 19148510, 17509529, 12082529, 16177561, 18455128, 24403123, 26824362, 32432260, 23915323, 15289875, 17113036, 28102346, 14680293, 28466226, 29368980, 14527925, 24759730, 17257432, 20717878, 19622832, 31360122, 15177039, 29033852, 32032660, 32922194, 25078064, 24447148, 15845651, 12145207, 27221050, 23555949, 25888625, 17803907, 25605022, 21451571, 23599430, 29675670, 19658174, 16436515, 30375398, 26333122, 21653549, 27346849, 10581258, 28930974, 16971507, 27176768, 22331558, 25294809, 28968425, 18348731, 32735894, 30108207, 15650224, 24613410, 11494044, 18289623, 28259974, 17918180, 23800953, 24456610, 27556514, 21997969, 11099484, 12082025, 33431809, 18294283, 12534344, 18032786, 30532707, 30261716, 33303632, 27285985, 26062651, 19303885, 11850826, 17172431, 26734838, 36293376, 27517620, 19064630, 24129246, 28842590, 23091651, 33110364, 24223226, 13678348, 12151394, 12698201, 19674456, 30932278, 31596196, 18406507, 8502477, 20976220, 19373864, 11890931, 24086708, 16636671, 22815158, 24205157, 22642109, 21576488, 18344606, 22416035, 11877452, 8327466, 29233996, 32617134, 12091386, 24194938, 33245719, 18697815, 26598601, 17297446, 25807079, 10710310, 24956278, 19648965, 31039479, 19536869, 10958792, 25331851, 31138113, 18778462, 28208611, 30717309, 27031960, 20005840, 11326311, 23652278, 25341038, 26716417, 35143532, 12955074, 20123963, 17967874, 16319535, 27402273, 26988910, 28177473, 10781582, 10500142, 9830059, 23340843, 11258706, 11711532, 17971768, 12968928, 30728460, 28131915, 20085646, 15533933, 15322239, 21432907, 28971953, 33536467, 10082548, 29081404, 19477925, 23555634, 15252149, 30166519, 29170437, 9843217, 22290291, 12756247, 15181149, 32560563, 11896587, 31844686, 11430832, 20696760, 15175154, 15159417, 27511909, 27902328, 30476192, 12511424, 19882354, 19821510, 11554766, 20663147, 23495037, 30003648, 11709713, 9733515, 9733514, 26974310, 30018737, 29282022, 18446786, 17339337, 18947885, 23589839, 23666059, 10656682, 28715492, 25658463, 15226429, 31051014, 27769050, 21317932, 30337688, 29133857, 12890678, 31217894, 12612087, 29127423, 10734067, 10606744, 14729946, 27542238, 31804459, 20005456, 21532991, 14617104, 16753148, 32054925, 33045019, 16501611, 26714930, 30943920, 10570149, 18381438, 21687937, 28349922, 30813936, 16397295, 19883646, 30245854, 10446957, 15867353, 27391441, 28888100, 23646139, 15806145, 18289945, 20024960, 10608806, 22622028, 29069457, 9925639, 9363941, 28837154, 22532570, 30272263, 30513611, 11096068
S15 Phosphorylation O14757 (CHEK1) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 10673501, 12756247, 15659650
S15 Phosphorylation O60285 (NUAK1) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 21317932
S15 Phosphorylation O96017 (CHEK2) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17339337, 10673501, 10710310, ...10656682
S15 Phosphorylation P27361 (MAPK3) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 10781582, 12955074, 10958792
S15 Phosphorylation P28482 (MAPK1) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus 10781582, 10958792, 12955074, ...11896587
S15 Phosphorylation P51812 (RPS6KA3) RLIMS-P+ 15867353
S15 Phosphorylation P57059 (SIK1) neXtProt 19622832
S15 Phosphorylation P78527 (PRKDC) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 9363941, 16397295, 16501611, ...10673501, 15381073, 10656682, 1406679, 10606744, 18289945, 17339337, 15355354, 10734067, 12756247
S15 Phosphorylation Q00535 (CDK5) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17591690
S15 Phosphorylation Q05655 (PRKCD) neXtProt 16314418
S15 Phosphorylation Q13131 (PRKAA1) Signor 15866171
S15 Phosphorylation Q13315 (ATM) neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   Signor 10500142, 15254178, 10710310, ...18332866, 16478990, 15181149, 11850826, 14729946, 11875057, 12890678, 20663147, 9733515, 9733514, 10608806, 12969974, 12637545, 9925639, 20123963, 15226429, 10713094, 9843217, 15533933, 15322239, 17967874, 11096068, 12511424, 16319535
S15 Phosphorylation Q13464 (ROCK1) RLIMS-P+ 28131915
S15 Phosphorylation Q13535 (ATR) PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   Signor 11865061, 15806145, 15533933, ...19477925, 15322239, 9925639, 11711532, 10597277, 15226429, 17977830, 19828454
S15 Phosphorylation Q13627 (DYRK1A) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 20696760
S15 Phosphorylation Q14680 (MELK) neXtProt 22532570
S15 Phosphorylation Q15831 (STK11) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17108107, 11430832
S15 Phosphorylation Q16539 (MAPK14) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 11258706, 10781582, 10581258, ...12091386
S15 Phosphorylation Q96Q15 (SMG1) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 15175154, 18332866
S15 Phosphorylation Q96S44 (TP53RK) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17712528, 11546806
T18 Phosphorylation neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 9363941, 30679555, 18246126, ...15542844, 17957142, 19332559, 26029824, 16704422, 23982416, 15381073, 21078665, 27125496, 35752942, 27030982, 12381304, 19357310, 25584963, 24492002, 11032416, 11707453, 15659650, 19525231, 18443131, 10951572, 21386980, 11883897, 19363523, 19220000, 33745968, 11258706, 10710310, 15381086, 25860929, 18612383, 21514377, 15464845, 19166313, 12897801, 20158876, 17339337, 10734067, 22112863, 31527692, 10432310, 22419115, 18256546, 10673501, 31035388, 10606744, 30316750, 15355354, 10656682
T18 Phosphorylation O14757 (CHEK1) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17339337, 15659650
T18 Phosphorylation O96017 (CHEK2) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17339337, 10673501, 10710310, ...10656682
T18 Phosphorylation P33981 (TTK) phospho.ELM   Signor 19332559
T18 Phosphorylation P48729 (CSNK1A1) PhosphoSitePlus 18246126
T18 Phosphorylation P48730 (CSNK1D) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 10606744, 10734067
T18 Phosphorylation P53355 (DAPK1) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17339337
T18 Phosphorylation P78527 (PRKDC) PhosphoSitePlus 15355354
T18 Phosphorylation Q13131 (PRKAA1) PhosphoSitePlus 17339337
T18 Phosphorylation Q86Y07-2 (VRK2) neXtProt 16704422
T18 Phosphorylation Q99986 (VRK1) phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 15542844, 10951572
S20 Phosphorylation neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PRO   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 27545311, 24886358, 26029824, ...11447225, 12548019, 15188005, 27030982, 25584963, 22266808, 22574148, 20562916, 15659650, 15274301, 10930428, 12499368, 24717393, 24553354, 12919932, 23340843, 11258706, 23128467, 17971768, 12890678, 20673369, 11172619, 11532197, 28714848, 12612087, 30728460, 29127423, 10801407, 20158876, 29963241, 21674128, 31594538, 10734067, 31979361, 23883471, 29298131, 19148510, 14612532, 15467443, 25319447, 17509529, 15337767, 20413215, 25372714, 10606744, 19220000, 21593792, 16433685, 22859938, 23800173, 17918180, 15254178, 19649319, 14527925, 15471885, 31596196, 10597229, 29643855, 21576488, 21078665, 31360122, 15177039, 27195669, 27769065, 28031409, 22914926, 11495913, 29156743, 18612383, 17644309, 11707453, 11875057, 23555634, 16177561, 16537920, 19363523, 16313886, 26928575, 30375398, 21532991, 11719428, 21653549, 17727682, 23483203, 12654917, 28930974, 10673501, 30318638, 20041275, 28369097, 28878400, 22820403, 17966099, 28979163, 10710310, 10673500, 20024960, 19882354, 15650224, 21167122, 22312557, 20150912, 24885082, 18289623, 17297916, 11850826, 17511890, 21338495, 10570149, 33669867, 27283986, 15964795, 26688517, 27769050, 12531896, 24555657, 29560860, 20092938, 12384533, 18440733, 21390062, 18443131, 12432277, 17135248, 15269203, 20009884, 21404051, 25277184, 11896587, 17565690, 15141020, 18778462, 22785210, 30388705, 10432310, 17591690, 27902328, 24096875, 18344606, 29317830, 26244501, 35834822, 27766434, 33245719, 31072027, 26598601, 23034333, 12381304, 11861384, 11175334, 16014005, 11551930, 12111733, 11302731, 16414131, 15381086, 28038466, 11326311, 10202145, 25341038, 20663147, 11709716, 12676607, 35143532, 15557124, 25769181, 22684299, 17967874, 11323395, 24283650, 17582679, 12810724, 18669630, 30142917, 19166313, 16818520, 12897801, 15026814, 15671037, 21454683, 17339337, 27698449, 23089312, 26158765, 22828869, 23977392, 15489221, 25674209, 24248600, 19357962, 32978372, 23666059, 28498467, 26024660, 19525231, 11583595
S20 Phosphorylation O14757 (CHEK1) PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   Signor 17339337, 15467443, 10673501, ...15659650
S20 Phosphorylation O43293 (DAPK3) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17339337
S20 Phosphorylation O96017 (CHEK2) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17339337, 10673500, 10801407, ...10710310, 10673501
S20 Phosphorylation P45983 (MAPK8) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 11896587
S20 Phosphorylation P45984 (MAPK9) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 11896587
S20 Phosphorylation P48729 (CSNK1A1) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 20041275, 18669630
S20 Phosphorylation P48730 (CSNK1D) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 10606744, 18669630, 10734067, ...20041275
S20 Phosphorylation P49137 (MAPKAPK2) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus 11896587
S20 Phosphorylation P53355 (DAPK1) neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17339337, 17297916
S20 Phosphorylation P78527 (PRKDC) PhosphoSitePlus 17339337
S20 Phosphorylation Q00535 (CDK5) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17591690, 20673369
S20 Phosphorylation Q13131 (PRKAA1) PhosphoSitePlus 17339337
S20 Phosphorylation Q13315 (ATM) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17967874, 15254178, 20663147
S20 Phosphorylation Q683Z8 (CHK2) phospho.ELM 17339337
S20 Phosphorylation Q9H4B4 (PLK3) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 11551930, 15671037, 11447225
S20 Phosphorylation Q9UEE5 (STK17A) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17339337
K24 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 21597459
S33 Phosphorylation neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PRO   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 12397362, 17942552, 26029824, ...16552184, 24956278, 19251701, 19932175, 35829882, 22975381, 30510853, 27863490, 24413150, 22730327, 11495913, 11483158, 18612383, 11707453, 35974003, 19525231, 23555634, 10811125, 10208433, 21875573, 17535811, 11709713, 19363523, 10930428, 11258706, 28626028, 18718914, 31974452, 19155208, 26400164, 11101524, 17117479, 25789565, 21674128, 27176768, 21383696, 12860987, 29298131, 24205157, 21078665, 17591690, 12438576, 32873775, 9372954, 25613365, 21903158, 30254375, 12021785, 10581258, 23108402
S33 Phosphorylation O15264 (MAPK13) Signor 10581258
S33 Phosphorylation P45985 (MAP2K4) RLIMS-P+ 22730327
S33 Phosphorylation P49841 (GSK3B) Signor 11483158
S33 Phosphorylation P50613 (CDK7) phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 9372954
S33 Phosphorylation P50750 (CDK9) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17942552, 16552184
S33 Phosphorylation Q00535 (CDK5) PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   Signor 17591690, 17117479
S33 Phosphorylation Q16539 (MAPK14) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 11258706, 10581258, 17535811, ...11101524, 22975381, 11495913
S37 Phosphorylation neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PRO   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 9363941, 12959929, 17981541, ...20421190, 17981542, 1406679, 9393873, 26029824, 24956278, 15381073, 21078665, 24376853, 24640606, 30510853, 24886358, 31877751, 22190353, 11302731, 22574148, 26327815, 11483158, 18612383, 11850826, 20540768, 20562916, 20024960, 31825845, 15274301, 19525231, 27283986, 22245200, 22807682, 11042698, 12676607, 16970927, 22767080, 10608806, 20354524, 19363523, 10930428, 15659650, 18289623, 21451571, 22198295, 10710310, 14712210, 16414131, 22157150, 30733851, 21338495, 21653549, 17727682, 19166313, 12756247, 19648965, 27769050, 12531896, 22797063, 21674128, 27176768, 29212503, 17511890, 11314044, 28349922, 16501611, 10656682, 15471885, 21945951, 31466709, 10673501, 19882354, 9925639, 17254968, 12860987, 10606744, 23666059, 17855337, 15355354, 22859938, 24465691, 23108402, 19398950, 15026814
S37 Phosphorylation O14757 (CHEK1) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 10673501, 12756247, 15659650
S37 Phosphorylation O96017 (CHEK2) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 10673501, 10710310, 10656682, ...15659650
S37 Phosphorylation P45983 (MAPK8) neXtProt 9393873
S37 Phosphorylation P45984 (MAPK9) neXtProt 9393873
S37 Phosphorylation P53779 (MAPK10) neXtProt 9393873
S37 Phosphorylation P78527 (PRKDC) PhosphoSitePlus 9363941, 16501611, 15381073, ...1406679, 10606744, 12756247, 15355354, 10656682
S37 Phosphorylation Q13535 (ATR) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus 9925639, 10608806
S37 Phosphorylation Q8IW41 (MAPKAPK5) neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17254968
S46 Phosphorylation neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PRO   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 22935610, 17203463, 11740489, ...26029824, 17584297, 15381073, 32681102, 12907596, 18761330, 19197384, 15608685, 27030982, 19724778, 30585287, 21192925, 10581258, 19521340, 23717325, 15274301, 16219768, 19903847, 12676607, 16377624, 32674319, 15897882, 18056705, 26297485, 33063904, 32260204, 29899847, 16247456, 17971768, 20673369, 25860929, 30142917, 21057547, 22110707, 35227287, 21394211, 15843377, 30096294, 25852310, 17117479, 23883471, 25490861, 19328784, 15471885, 14993250, 21308739, 21903158, 21593792, 24726920, 21080333, 28060750, 18560558, 21317459, 20171273, 15177039, 32032660, 15657900, 32922194, 14749479, 11875057, 23555634, 20018442, 19668373, 27238720, 24829283, 19363523, 22662219, 21451571, 22244155, 14729469, 21573174, 31804459, 25260780, 31150435, 17535811, 26386653, 33591310, 15026814, 22331558, 25294809, 22397410, 15642743, 17031575, 25944899, 24810057, 19882354, 19828042, 11511362, 35065218, 18363705, 19857493, 31051014, 30254375, 17511890, 11030628, 25989210, 24952595, 9363941, 23536002, 22574148, 22615843, 29156763, 18599021, 27285985, 16793543, 24196445, 28349922, 22011578, 19325714, 18440733, 20024960, 19287975, 17332358, 28035068, 20123963, 15657359, 12438576, 33110364, 18846503, 21173028, 26112218, 36164647, 26231043, 18642443, 16601678, 19139122, 24619359, 21539808, 19965871, 26138448, 11780126, 34947995, 23703384, 17591690, 17404016, 18311036, 22878263, 21576488, 32873775, 17349958, 23800173, 21698151, 22435726, 27766434, 31466709, 26230405, 30520728, 24379358, 30718466, 23666755, 27787517, 17567906, 18216278, 26042776, 25778922, 23030661, 12093737, 16738336, 12782576, 17210684, 27659536, 28477117, 19525231, 33245719, 15526030, 24922063, 20234185, 18395248, 26006237, 22166212, 17105820, 32213959, 17051326, 26967060, 30338379, 15766567, 31462218, 26113041, 30587121, 16729035, 21602882, 12927814, 19465479, 24905183, 12021785, 18760266, 24915467, 33443163, 22797063, 17349959, 21797208, 12860987, 26716417, 17932951, 24831807, 32083004, 19887911, 23826318, 16319535
S46 Phosphorylation O15264 (MAPK13) Signor 10581258
S46 Phosphorylation P78527 (PRKDC) PhosphoSitePlus 15381073
S46 Phosphorylation Q00535 (CDK5) PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   Signor 17591690, 20673369, 17117479
S46 Phosphorylation Q05655 (PRKCD) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 16377624
S46 Phosphorylation Q13315 (ATM) neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 20123963, 11875057
S46 Phosphorylation Q16539 (MAPK14) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 15642743, 10581258, 17535811
S46 Phosphorylation Q92630 (DYRK2) neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17349958, 19965871
S46 Phosphorylation Q9H2X6 (HIPK2) neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   Signor 11780126, 11740489, 19828042, ...16601678, 15526030, 17203463, 17210684, 16729035, 20123963, 19465479, 17332358, 22011578, 16738336
T55 Phosphorylation neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PRO   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 17245430, 20124405, 16793543, ...19363523, 11409876, 26029824, 15116093, 10933801, 19525231, 20473327, 22223642, 23118962, 14729628, 24289924, 28673515, 15053879, 33745968
T55 Phosphorylation P21675 (TAF1) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17245430, 24289924, 15053879
T55 Phosphorylation P28482 (MAPK1) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus 11409876
T55 Phosphorylation P34947 (GRK5) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 22223642, 20124405
T81 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   RLIMS-P   Signor 30850580, 12397362, 27769065, ...17582679, 27147566, 11283254, 20875141, 12531896, 19651615
T81 Phosphorylation P45983 (MAPK8) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 11283254, 12531896
T81 Phosphorylation P45984 (MAPK9) RLIMS-P+ 27147566
S99 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus 17525332
K101 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
S106 Phosphorylation neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor 25075982, 23201157
S106 Phosphorylation O14965 (AURKA) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 23201157
R110 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus
H115 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus
K120 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 23431171
K120 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
C124 Methylation IEDB 31844290
C124 S-Nitrosylation dbSNO 7791795, 23796488, 15998249
Y126 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
K132 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
C135 Methylation IEDB 31844290
K139 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
K139 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
C141 S-Nitrosylation dbSNO 7791795, 23796488, 15998249
S149 O-Glycosylation GlyGen   PhosphoSitePlus 23301498, 16964247, 20668475, ...28878262, 30379171, 27402830, 25619971, 34417460, 22365600, 30462203, 34229054, 30086259
S149 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P 28539160, 11285227
S149 Phosphorylation P68400 (CSNK2A1) PhosphoSitePlus 11285227
T150 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P 28539160, 11285227
T150 Phosphorylation P68400 (CSNK2A1) PhosphoSitePlus 11285227
T155 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P 16964247, 12628923, 28539160, ...11285227, 33745968, 23340843
T155 Phosphorylation P68400 (CSNK2A1) PhosphoSitePlus 12628923, 11285227
K164 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
K164 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
S166 Phosphorylation RLIMS-P 19584241, 23203124
C182 S-Nitrosylation dbSNO 7791795, 23796488, 15998249
S183 Phosphorylation neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 35895896, 22611192, 20959462, ...25075982, 23340843
S183 Phosphorylation Q96GD4 (AURKB) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 22611192, 20959462
S185 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
R209 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus
T211 Phosphorylation neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor 22611192, 25075982
T211 Phosphorylation Q96GD4 (AURKB) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 22611192
R213 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus
S215 Phosphorylation neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   RLIMS-P   Signor 22157150, 22396649, 22611192, ...15469940, 20847049, 25691063, 27604871, 26438057, 25075982, 23201157, 27496712
S215 Phosphorylation O14965 (AURKA) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 23201157, 15469940
S215 Phosphorylation O96013 (PAK4) RLIMS-P+ 27496712
S215 Phosphorylation Q96GD4 (AURKB) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 22611192
Y220 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
C229 Methylation IEDB 33981976, 31844290
R249 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S260 Phosphorylation RLIMS-P 19833129
S269 Phosphorylation PRO   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 20851891, 20959462, 23340843
S269 Phosphorylation P53355 (DAPK1) PhosphoSitePlus 20851891
S269 Phosphorylation Q96GD4 (AURKB) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 20959462
T284 Phosphorylation PRO   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 20959462, 23340843
T284 Phosphorylation Q96GD4 (AURKB) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 20959462
R290 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus
K291 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 19536131
K292 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
K292 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 19536131
T304 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P 26384650
T304 Phosphorylation Q5S007 (LRRK2) PhosphoSitePlus 26384650
K305 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 12724314
K305 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus
K305 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
T312 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
S313 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus 18847512
S313 Phosphorylation P24941 (CDK2) PhosphoSitePlus 18847512
S314 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus 18847512
S314 Phosphorylation P24941 (CDK2) PhosphoSitePlus 18847512
S315 Phosphorylation neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PRO   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 11687964, 12397362, 20661218, ...15107622, 18612383, 18847512, 30942456, 16552184, 25645017, 14640983, 9467949, 30532707, 33649292, 10208433, 11078726, 22396649, 9246643, 19903847, 7596441, 22245200, 33166398, 25691063, 11300786, 10656795, 7624134, 29344296, 2156209, 35217309, 20808790, 15469940, 30266789, 19155208, 16227590, 31588224, 26387611, 33568778, 23201157, 8956076, 2052362, 10884347, 33324635, 24173284, 23565200, 17287340, 16037820, 1956339, 12438576, 2141171, 14702041, 9254608, 16606449, 36167685, 10559267, 18697815
S315 Phosphorylation O14965 (AURKA) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 24173284, 14702041, 23201157
S315 Phosphorylation P06493 (CDK1) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 7596441, 11078726, 20661218, ...20808790, 24173284
S315 Phosphorylation P24941 (CDK2) PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   Signor 24173284, 18847512, 14640983, ...7596441, 11300786, 7624134
S315 Phosphorylation P50750 (CDK9) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 24173284, 16552184
K319 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
K319 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
K320 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
K320 Sumoylation PhosphoSitePlus
K320 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
K321 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
Y327 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P 33673578, 32561851
R333 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 19011621
R335 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus
R337 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus
K351 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
K357 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
S362 Phosphorylation neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P 19196987
S362 Phosphorylation O14920 (IKBKB) neXtProt 19196987
S366 Phosphorylation neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor 19649319, 15659650, 19933256, ...10673501, 35902728, 18812399, 19196987
S366 Phosphorylation O14757 (CHEK1) Signor 15659650
S366 Phosphorylation O14920 (IKBKB) neXtProt 19196987
S366 Phosphorylation O96017 (CHEK2) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 10673501, 15659650
S367 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
K370 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
K370 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 22864287, 17108971
K370 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
S371 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor 18612383, 9315650, 9571186
S371 Phosphorylation P17252 (PRKCA) PhosphoSitePlus 9571186
S371 Phosphorylation P50613 (CDK7) phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 9315650
K372 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
K372 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 15525938, 16415881
K372 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
K373 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 10656795
K373 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 20118233
K373 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
S376 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor 18612383, 9315650, 15107622, ...11007451, 9620776, 35881289, 9571186, 21760960, 16227590, 30532707, 14744935, 12080066
S376 Phosphorylation P17252 (PRKCA) PhosphoSitePlus 12080066, 9571186
S376 Phosphorylation P49841 (GSK3B) PhosphoSitePlus 14744935
S376 Phosphorylation P50613 (CDK7) phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 9315650
T377 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P 9571186, 26384650
T377 Phosphorylation P17252 (PRKCA) PhosphoSitePlus 9571186
T377 Phosphorylation Q5S007 (LRRK2) PhosphoSitePlus 26384650
S378 Phosphorylation phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor 18612383, 10710310, 9315650, ...19649319, 9246643, 9620776, 15659650, 19933256, 14640983, 9571186, 7534296, 18812399, 9254608, 17339337, 12080066, 9753464, 27462439
S378 Phosphorylation O14757 (CHEK1) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 15659650
S378 Phosphorylation O96017 (CHEK2) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17339337, 10710310, 15659650
S378 Phosphorylation P17252 (PRKCA) PhosphoSitePlus 12080066, 9571186, 14640983
S378 Phosphorylation P17612 (PRKACA) PhosphoSitePlus 9620776
S378 Phosphorylation P50613 (CDK7) phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 9315650
K381 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 19608861, 29474172
K381 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
K382 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 20228809, 29681526, 19608861, ...10656795, 23431171, 15448695
K382 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus   UniProt 22864287, 20870725, 17707234
K382 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
K386 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
K386 Methylation PhosphoSitePlus
K386 Sumoylation PRO   PhosphoSitePlus
K386 Ubiquitination PhosphoSitePlus
T387 Phosphorylation IntAct   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P   Signor 20206173, 15659650, 19933256, ...18812399, 25075982
T387 Phosphorylation O14757 (CHEK1) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 15659650
S392 Phosphorylation neXtProt   phospho.ELM   PRO   PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   RLIMS-P   Signor   UniProt 17180249, 20234175, 10747897, ...10348343, 7936649, 19932175, 12776195, 15188005, 10208433, 28878400, 17108107, 21339981, 17106255, 11080808, 12676607, 21317932, 30725256, 20354524, 32674319, 18596987, 19428812, 12890678, 17565390, 25860929, 18495777, 11532197, 27698449, 15064747, 33209651, 33266043, 8956076, 9315650, 14640983, 23662114, 30096294, 15492790, 11508859, 12081208, 25490861, 12438576, 15471885, 19148510, 25633290, 21631964, 23533526, 21573174, 12393879, 26441204, 21832239, 14680293, 10779327, 18523266, 16552184, 10597229, 22815158, 11741290, 15177039, 29033852, 10535931, 17341630, 32032660, 18718914, 18612383, 21084272, 9246643, 18443131, 23555634, 29033320, 16537920, 27462916, 11239457, 10425208, 31150435, 34209868, 24465691, 15155458, 8327466, 16299809, 15888160, 26333122, 17237827, 9254608, 17523842, 18472237, 16319070, 9747884, 36399430, 32813746, 33045019, 17966099, 25311616, 19882354, 12792782, 11494044, 17105820, 31051014, 10559267, 17511890, 15837201, 15038834, 12959929, 27556514, 22574148, 22615843, 21210663, 16818520, 10884347, 35618207, 25659035, 34216619, 32332845, 27285985, 28349922, 31617338, 20540768, 18440733, 20024960, 15709766, 21769452, 11861384, 20009884, 25429619, 21455220, 28937686, 18778462, 21317459, 11430832, 11890931, 24619359, 23565200, 12937839, 16083285, 9467949, 25139266, 26673821, 22642109, 32181328, 22914926, 35881289, 24473091, 24194938, 16082409, 18697815, 19253369, 23603988, 19834494, 24286312, 30942456, 21499441, 19648965, 24376853, 11302731, 33303565, 25767119, 23666059, 24962518, 24362252, 36058261, 16970927, 35902040, 12898523, 32863216, 23887628, 11323395, 24283650, 21457773, 17582679, 17051326, 23414419, 11279192, 19155208, 26400164, 15539919, 30416048, 14513366, 26091798, 14967811, 20346999, 22214662, 23741479, 32681102, 9658074, 20810912, 21797208, 31496797, 12860987, 30478303, 26936915, 28498467, 16741955, 24831807, 32083004, 10656682
S392 Phosphorylation O60285 (NUAK1) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 21317932
S392 Phosphorylation P19525 (EIF2AK2) PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 10348343
S392 Phosphorylation P23443 (RPS6KB1) RLIMS-P+ 25429619
S392 Phosphorylation P27361 (MAPK3) PhosphoSitePlus 25767119
S392 Phosphorylation P50613 (CDK7) phospho.ELM   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 9315650
S392 Phosphorylation P50750 (CDK9) PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   Signor 16741955, 16552184, 23603988
S392 Phosphorylation P68400 (CSNK2A1) PhosphoSitePlus   RLIMS-P+   Signor 10747897, 7936649, 14640983, ...9467949, 12393879, 11239457, 10656682
S392 Phosphorylation Q15831 (STK11) neXtProt   PhosphoSitePlus   Signor 17108107, 11430832
Site PTM Type PTM Enzyme Score Source PMID
S6 Phosphorylation HPRD 9765199
S6 Phosphorylation P48729 (CSNK1A1) HPRD 9765199
S9 Phosphorylation HPRD 11875057, 9765199
S9 Phosphorylation P48729 (CSNK1A1) HPRD 11875057, 9765199
S9 Phosphorylation Q13315 (ATM) HPRD 11875057, 9765199
S15 Phosphorylation HPRD   PRO 15580310, 10673501, 14712210, ...15642743, 9843217, 11875057, 10202145, 21317932, 15159397, 10864201, 10606744, 12091386, 11709713, 16293623, 16906133, 11551930, 14965474, 9765199, 22099307
S15 Phosphorylation O14757 (CHEK1) HPRD 10673501, 11551930, 9765199, ...11709713
S15 Phosphorylation P28482 (MAPK1) HPRD 14965474, 12091386
S15 Phosphorylation P78527 (PRKDC) HPRD 10673501, 11551930, 9765199, ...11709713
S15 Phosphorylation PR:O60285 (hNUAK1) PRO 21317932
S15 Phosphorylation PR:Q13315 (hATM) PRO 22099307
S15 Phosphorylation Q13315 (ATM) HPRD 9843217, 11551930, 11875057, ...10673501, 15159397, 10864201, 11709713, 16906133, 9765199
S15 Phosphorylation Q13535 (ATR) HPRD 10673501, 15159397, 16293623, ...11709713, 11551930, 9765199
T18 Phosphorylation HPRD   PRO 10747897, 10673501, 11551930, ...10951572, 11709713, 10606744, 11883897
T18 Phosphorylation P48730 (CSNK1D) HPRD 10606744
T18 Phosphorylation P67870 (CSNK2B) HPRD 10747897, 10951572, 11883897, ...11709713
T18 Phosphorylation P68400 (CSNK2A1) HPRD 10747897, 10951572, 11883897, ...11709713
T18 Phosphorylation P78527 (PRKDC) HPRD 10747897, 10951572, 11883897, ...11709713
T18 Phosphorylation Q13535 (ATR) HPRD 10747897, 10673501, 11551930, ...10951572, 11709713, 11883897
T18 Phosphorylation Q99986 (VRK1) HPRD 10747897, 10951572, 11883897, ...11709713
S20 Phosphorylation HPRD   PRO 10673501, 12242661, 11875057, ...10202145, 12548019, 11709713, 11551930
S20 Phosphorylation O14757 (CHEK1) HPRD 10673501, 11551930, 11709713
S20 Phosphorylation P78527 (PRKDC) HPRD 10673501, 11551930, 11709713
S20 Phosphorylation Q13315 (ATM) HPRD 11875057, 10673501, 11551930, ...11709713
S20 Phosphorylation Q13535 (ATR) HPRD 10673501, 11551930, 11709713
S20 Phosphorylation Q9H4B4 (PLK3) HPRD 12548019, 10673501, 12242661, ...11551930, 11709713
S33 Phosphorylation HPRD   PRO 12397361, 11483158, 10202145, ...16552184, 12064478, 11709713
S33 Phosphorylation P49841 (GSK3B) HPRD 11483158, 12064478
S33 Phosphorylation P50750 (CDK9) HPRD 16552184
S33 Phosphorylation P78527 (PRKDC) HPRD 11709713
S33 Phosphorylation PR:P50750 (hCDK9) PRO 16552184
S33 Phosphorylation Q00535 (CDK5) HPRD 11483158, 12064478
S33 Phosphorylation Q13315 (ATM) HPRD 11709713
S37 Phosphorylation HPRD   PRO 17254968, 10673501, 14712210, ...11709713
S37 Phosphorylation O14757 (CHEK1) HPRD 10673501, 11709713
S37 Phosphorylation P78527 (PRKDC) HPRD 10673501, 11709713
S37 Phosphorylation Q13315 (ATM) HPRD 10673501, 11709713
S37 Phosphorylation Q13535 (ATR) HPRD 10673501, 11709713
S37 Phosphorylation Q8IW41 (MAPKAPK5) HPRD 17254968
S46 Phosphorylation HPRD   PRO 11780126, 11875057, 15642743, ...16212962
S46 Phosphorylation Q13315 (ATM) HPRD 11780126, 11875057
S46 Phosphorylation Q9H2X6 (HIPK2) HPRD 11780126, 11875057, 16212962
T55 Phosphorylation HPRD   PRO 11409876, 15053879, 15116093
T55 Phosphorylation P28482 (MAPK1) HPRD 11409876, 15116093
T55 Phosphorylation PR:P21675 (hTAF1) PRO 15053879
T81 Phosphorylation HPRD   PRO 12397361, 11283254
T81 Phosphorylation P45983 (MAPK8) HPRD 11283254
S99 Phosphorylation HPRD 17525332
K120 Acetylation PRO 17189187
K120 Acetylation PR:Q9H7Z6 (hKAT8) PRO 17189187
S149 O-Glycosylation PRO 16964247
T155 Phosphorylation HPRD 12628923
T155 Phosphorylation P68400 (CSNK2A1) HPRD 12628923
S183 Phosphorylation PRO 20959462
S183 Phosphorylation PR:Q96GD4 (hAURKB) PRO 20959462
S215 Phosphorylation PRO 15469940
S215 Phosphorylation PR:O14965 (hAURKA) PRO 15469940
S269 Phosphorylation PRO 20851891, 20959462
S269 Phosphorylation PR:Q96GD4 (hAURKB) PRO 20959462
T284 Phosphorylation PRO 20959462
T284 Phosphorylation PR:Q96GD4 (hAURKB) PRO 20959462
K291 Ubiquitination PRO 19536131
K291 Ubiquitination PR:Q9UHC7 (hMKRN1) PRO 19536131
K292 Ubiquitination PRO 19536131
K292 Ubiquitination PR:Q9UHC7 (hMKRN1) PRO 19536131
S313 Phosphorylation HPRD 19664995
S314 Phosphorylation HPRD 19413330
S315 Phosphorylation HPRD   PRO 19413330, 17287340, 15469940, ...16552184, 19664995, 12064478, 10884347
S315 Phosphorylation P24941 (CDK2) HPRD 19413330, 17287340, 19664995, ...12064478, 10884347
S315 Phosphorylation P50750 (CDK9) HPRD 19413330, 17287340, 19664995, ...12064478, 10884347
S315 Phosphorylation PR:O14965 (hAURKA) PRO 15469940
S315 Phosphorylation PR:P50750 (hCDK9) PRO 16552184
S315 Phosphorylation Q00535 (CDK5) HPRD 19413330, 17287340, 19664995, ...12064478, 10884347
S366 Phosphorylation HPRD 9183006
S371 Phosphorylation HPRD 9571186
S371 Phosphorylation P17252 (PRKCA) HPRD 9571186
S378 Phosphorylation HPRD 1454855
S378 Phosphorylation P17252 (PRKCA) HPRD 1454855
K382 Acetylation PRO 20228809
K382 Acetylation PR:Q09472 (hEP300) PRO 20228809
K386 Sumoylation PRO 19339993
S392 Phosphorylation HPRD   PRO 19413330, 10747897, 16552184, ...10348343, 10884347, 21317932
S392 Phosphorylation P19525 (EIF2AK2) HPRD 19413330, 10747897, 10348343, ...10884347
S392 Phosphorylation P24941 (CDK2) HPRD 19413330, 10747897, 10348343, ...10884347
S392 Phosphorylation P50750 (CDK9) HPRD 19413330, 10747897, 10348343, ...10884347
S392 Phosphorylation P68400 (CSNK2A1) HPRD 19413330, 10747897, 10348343, ...10884347
S392 Phosphorylation PR:O60285 (hNUAK1) PRO 21317932
S392 Phosphorylation PR:P50750 (hCDK9) PRO 16552184
S392 Phosphorylation Q16539 (MAPK14) HPRD 19413330, 10747897, 10348343, ...10884347
Site PTM Type PTM Enzyme Score Source PMID
S7 Phosphorylation PhosphoSitePlus
K334 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus
K343 Acetylation PhosphoSitePlus


PRO ID (Short Label) Sites PTM Enzyme Source PMID
PR:000049515 (hTP53/Phos:1) pS15 PRO
PR:000049516 (hTP53/Phos:13) pS15,pS20 PRO
PR:000049517 (hTP53/Phos:14) pS15,pS20,pS269,pT284 PRO
PR:000049518 (hTP53/Phos:15) pS15,pS20,pS392 PRO
PR:000049519 (hTP53/Phos:16) pS15,pS20,pS46 PRO
PR:000049520 (hTP53/Phos:17) pS15,pS33,pS46 PRO
PR:000049521 (hTP53/Phos:12) pS15,pS392 PRO
PR:000049522 (hTP53/Phos:18) pS315 PRO
PR:000049523 (hTP53/Phos:19) pS37 PRO
PR:000049524 (hTP53/Phos:4) pT55 PRO
PR:000049525 (hTP53/Sumo:1) suK386 PRO
PR:000049526 (hTP53/UbiqLys+) ub PRO
PR:000027764 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:3) pT81 PRO 11283254
PR:000027768 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:4) pT55 PR:P21675 (hTAF1) PRO 15053879
PR:000027770 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:5) pS15,pT18 PRO 10606744
PR:000027772 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:6) pS269 PRO 20851891
PR:000027774 (hTP53/iso:1/Ac:1) acK120 PR:Q9H7Z6 (hKAT8) PRO 17189187
PR:000027806 (hTP53/iso:1/Ubiq:1) ubK291,ubK292 PR:Q9UHC7 (hMKRN1) PRO 19536131
PR:000027812 (hTP53/iso:1/Ac:2) acK382 PR:Q09472 (hEP300) PRO 20228809
PR:000027814 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:12) pS15,pS392 PR:O60285 (hNUAK1) PRO 21317932
PR:000027829 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:7) pS33,pS315,pS392 PR:P50750 (hCDK9) PRO 16552184
PR:000027831 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:8) pS215,pS315 PR:O14965 (hAURKA) PRO 15469940
PR:000027833 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:9) pS15,pS37 PRO 14712210
PR:000027837 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:10) pS15,pS20,pS33 PRO 10202145
PR:000027839 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:11) pS183,pS269,pT284 PR:Q96GD4 (hAURKB) PRO 20959462
PR:000027841 (hTP53/iso:1/Sumo:1) suK386 PRO 19339993
PR:000035446 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:1) pS15 PR:Q13315 (hATM) PRO 22099307
PR:000036624 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:2) pS15,pS46 PRO 15642743

PTM-dependent PPI

PTM type Substrate Site Interactant Association type Source PMID
Phosphorylation O15151 (MDM4) Y99 P04637 (TP53) inhibited_association eFIP 20651945
Phosphorylation O15151 (MDM4) Y99 P04637 (TP53) decreased_association eFIP 32850448
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S15 Q00987 (MDM2) inhibited_association eFIP 10435622
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S15 P21980 (TGM2) unknown eFIP 27031960
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) T55 P32780 (GTF2H1) unknown eFIP 16793543
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S392 O43463 (SUV39H1) increased_association eFIP 31617338
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S46 P10415 (BCL2) increased_association eFIP 19521340
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) T18 Q92793 (CREBBP) increased_association eFIP 19357310
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S15 Q92793 (CREBBP) increased_association eFIP 9830059
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S46 P24941 (CDK2) inhibited_association eFIP 31804459
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S15 P48730 (CSNK1D) unknown eFIP 35752942
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S46 P99999 (CYCS) unknown eFIP 19521340
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S15 Q00987 (MDM2) inhibited_association eFIP 10656682
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) T18 Q00987 (MDM2) inhibited_association eFIP 19357310
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) T18 Q00987 (MDM2) inhibited_association eFIP 21386980
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S392 O94992 (HEXIM1) unknown eFIP 24202322
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S392 Q14676 (MDC1) unknown eFIP 24194938
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S15 P23804 (Mdm2) inhibited_association eFIP 30337688
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S106 Q00987 (MDM2) decreased_association eFIP 23201157
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S15 Q00987 (MDM2) decreased_association eFIP 30476192
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S15 Q00987 (MDM2) increased_association eFIP 16632641
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S15 Q00987 (MDM2) inhibited_association eFIP 10601022
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S15 Q00987 (MDM2) inhibited_association eFIP 26540344
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S20 Q00987 (MDM2) inhibited_association eFIP 21317463
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S20 Q00987 (MDM2) inhibited_association eFIP 31594538
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S20 Q00987 (MDM2) inhibited_association eFIP 31979361
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S37 Q00987 (MDM2) inhibited_association eFIP 23437037
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S20 Q00987 (MDM2) decreased_association eFIP 10597229
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S20 Q00987 (MDM2) inhibited_association eFIP 21338495
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S315 Q00987 (MDM2) inhibited_association eFIP 26387611
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) T18 Q00987 (MDM2) decreased_association eFIP 20158876
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) T18 Q00987 (MDM2) inhibited_association eFIP 19332559
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S20 O15151 (MDM4) decreased_association eFIP 20174603
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S46 Q13526 (PIN1) increased_association eFIP 30718466
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S20 P49593 (PPM1F) unknown eFIP 27769050
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S15 P27694 (RPA1) inhibited_association eFIP 22288499
Phosphorylation P04637 (TP53) S378 Q92540 (SMG7) unknown eFIP 27462439
Phosphorylation P16403 (H1-2) T146 P04637 (TP53) unknown eFIP 22249259
Phosphorylation P23804 (Mdm2) S17 P04637 (TP53) inhibited_association eFIP 32477121
Phosphorylation Q07812 (BAX) S184 P04637 (TP53) unknown eFIP 27769050
Phosphorylation Q8NHY2 (COP1) S387 P04637 (TP53) inhibited_association eFIP 16931761
Phosphorylation Q96EB6 (SIRT1) T344 P04637 (TP53) decreased_association eFIP 30988280
Phosphorylation Q9BWC9 (CCDC106) S130 P04637 (TP53) unknown eFIP 30885251
Phosphorylation Q9NZC7 (WWOX) Y33 P04637 (TP53) unknown eFIP 23459853
Phosphorylation Q9Y5J3 (HEY1) S68 P04637 (TP53) increased_association eFIP 27129302

Proteoform PPIs

Protein 1 Relation Protein 2 Source PMID
PR:000027766 (hTP53/iso:1/Me2:1) Interaction PR:Q12888 (hTP53BP1) PRO 18840612
PR:000036624 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:2) Interaction PR:000003109 (MAPK14/Phos:1) PRO 15642743
PR:000036637 (hMAPK14/Phos:1) Interaction PR:000036624 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:2) PRO 15642743
PR:O43683 (hBUB1) Interaction PR:P04637-1 (hTP53/iso:1) PRO 19252416
PR:O60566 (hBUB1B) Interaction PR:P04637-1 (hTP53/iso:1) PRO 17671183
PR:P04637-1 (hTP53/iso:1) Interaction PR:O60566 (hBUB1B) PRO 17671183
PR:P04637-1 (hTP53/iso:1) Interaction PR:O43683 (hBUB1) PRO 19252416
PR:P29590-5 (hPML/iso:5) Interaction PR:P04637 (hTP53) PRO 11080164
PR:P42345 (hMTOR) Interaction PR:000035446 (hTP53/iso:1/Phos:1) PRO 11602639
PR:Q92793-1 (hCREBBP/iso:1) Interaction PR:P04637 (hTP53) PRO 9194564

PTM sites affected in variants

Site Variant Source PMID Disease [Sample source]
S7 P7 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
S7 F7 Biomuta DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S9 G9 Biomuta DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
T18 A18 Biomuta DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
S20 L20 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ]
S20 * Biomuta DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S33 T33 Biomuta [ cosmic ]
S33 F33 Biomuta DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ]
S37 T37 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
S46 P46 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
S46 F46 Biomuta DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
T55 I55 Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
T81 I81 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
S99 P99 Biomuta DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ]
S99 F99 Biomuta DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
K101 * Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
K101 N101 Biomuta DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
K101 R101 Biomuta DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S106 R106 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
S106 I106 Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
R110 G110 Biomuta [ cosmic ]
R110 C110 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1245 / vulva cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11615 / penile cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9253 / gastrointestinal stromal tumor [ cosmic ]
R110 L110 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
R110 H110 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
R110 S110 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
R110 P110 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3277 / thymus cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
H115 Y115 Biomuta DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ]
K120 * Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
K120 T120 Biomuta DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
K120 Q120 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ]
K120 R120 Biomuta DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ]
K120 M120 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K120 N120 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
K120 E120 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
C124 G124 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ]
C124 F124 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
C124 L124 Biomuta DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ]
C124 S124 Biomuta DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ]
C124 R124 Biomuta DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5158 / pleural cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
C124 * Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
C124 Y124 Biomuta DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid cancer [ icgc ]
Y126 * Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
Y126 S126 Biomuta DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
Y126 H126 Biomuta DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
Y126 N126 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:3277 / thymus cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
Y126 C126 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9253 / gastrointestinal stromal tumor [ cosmic ]
Y126 D126 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
K132 * Biomuta DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K132 R132 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5158 / pleural cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1781 / thyroid cancer [ icgc ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1115 / sarcoma [ icgc ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K132 Q132 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
K132 W132 Biomuta DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K132 T132 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
K132 E132 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1115 / sarcoma [ icgc ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K132 N132 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11615 / penile cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
K132 M132 Biomuta DOID:184 / bone cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
C135 Y135 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2998 / testicular cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9253 / gastrointestinal stromal tumor [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
C135 S135 Biomuta DOID:184 / bone cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
C135 R135 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:184 / bone cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1115 / sarcoma [ icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
C135 W135 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5158 / pleural cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
C135 G135 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11615 / penile cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
C135 F135 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:184 / bone cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2174 / ocular cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11615 / penile cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1785 / pituitary cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2998 / testicular cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1245 / vulva cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
C135 * Biomuta DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3277 / thymus cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1245 / vulva cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K139 * Biomuta DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
K139 N139 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3277 / thymus cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
K139 E139 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K139 T139 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
K139 R139 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ]
K139 Q139 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ]
C141 G141 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3119 / gastrointestinal system cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
C141 R141 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ]
C141 S141 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
C141 W141 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ]
C141 F141 Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
C141 * Biomuta DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
C141 Y141 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:184 / bone cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2998 / testicular cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
S149 F149 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ]
S149 P149 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
S149 T149 Biomuta DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
S149 Y149 Biomuta DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ]
T150 A150 Biomuta DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
T150 K150 Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
T150 I150 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
T150 R150 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
T155 P155 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
T155 S155 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
T155 I155 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
T155 A155 Biomuta DOID:184 / bone cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
T155 N155 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5158 / pleural cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
K164 T164 Biomuta DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ]
K164 Q164 Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
K164 E164 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K164 N164 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ]
K164 M164 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ]
K164 * Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K164 R164 Biomuta [ cosmic ]
S166 L166 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
S166 A166 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
S166 * Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S166 T166 Biomuta DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ]
S166 P166 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
C182 Y182 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
C182 W182 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
C182 R182 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
C182 * Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
C182 S182 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
S183 * Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1245 / vulva cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11615 / penile cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S183 P183 Biomuta DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
S183 L183 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ]
S185 R185 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
S185 T185 Biomuta DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S185 I185 Biomuta DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S185 N185 Biomuta DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S185 G185 Biomuta DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ]
S185 C185 Biomuta DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
R209 G209 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ]
R209 I209 Biomuta DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
R209 K209 Biomuta DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
R209 T209 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
R209 S209 Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
R209 * Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
T211 I211 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
T211 N211 Biomuta DOID:184 / bone cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
T211 P211 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ]
T211 S211 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
T211 A211 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:3277 / thymus cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
R213 * Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:184 / bone cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5158 / pleural cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11615 / penile cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3119 / gastrointestinal system cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9253 / gastrointestinal stromal tumor [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1725 / peritoneum cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
R213 P213 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2174 / ocular cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1115 / sarcoma [ icgc ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
R213 Q213 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3277 / thymus cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1245 / vulva cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
R213 G213 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
R213 L213 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2174 / ocular cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
S215 G215 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3119 / gastrointestinal system cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S215 C215 Biomuta DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ]
S215 N215 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9253 / gastrointestinal stromal tumor [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S215 T215 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ]
S215 R215 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1115 / sarcoma [ icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S215 I215 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
Y220 S220 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:3277 / thymus cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5158 / pleural cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1725 / peritoneum cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
Y220 * Biomuta [ cosmic ]
Y220 C220 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:184 / bone cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5158 / pleural cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1785 / pituitary cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11615 / penile cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3119 / gastrointestinal system cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9253 / gastrointestinal stromal tumor [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1725 / peritoneum cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1245 / vulva cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1115 / sarcoma [ icgc ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
Y220 D220 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic, cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic, cosmic ] DOID:1115 / sarcoma [ icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic, cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
Y220 N220 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ]
Y220 H220 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1115 / sarcoma [ icgc ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
C229 * Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
C229 Y229 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
C229 S229 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
C229 R229 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ]
C229 G229 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ]
C229 F229 Biomuta DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
R249 T249 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5158 / pleural cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:184 / bone cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
R249 K249 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
R249 M249 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:184 / bone cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
R249 G249 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
R249 S249 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5158 / pleural cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1245 / vulva cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
R249 W249 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9253 / gastrointestinal stromal tumor [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
R249 V249 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
S260 P260 Biomuta DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ]
S260 Y260 Biomuta DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ]
S260 F260 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S260 A260 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
S260 C260 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ]
S269 N269 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
S269 I269 Biomuta DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
S269 G269 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
S269 C269 Biomuta DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S269 T269 Biomuta DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S269 R269 Biomuta DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ]
T284 S284 Biomuta DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
T284 P284 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
T284 I284 Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
T284 A284 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
R290 S290 Biomuta DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic ]
R290 C290 Biomuta DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1245 / vulva cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
R290 L290 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1245 / vulva cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ]
R290 H290 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K291 Q291 Biomuta [ cosmic ]
K291 R291 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
K291 E291 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
K291 N291 Biomuta DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K291 * Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K291 T291 Biomuta DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K291 M291 Biomuta DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
K292 E292 Biomuta DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K292 * Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K292 R292 Biomuta DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ]
K292 T292 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
K292 I292 Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
K292 N292 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
T304 I304 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
T304 N304 Biomuta DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
T304 A304 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
K305 R305 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
K305 N305 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
K305 E305 Biomuta DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
K305 T305 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
K305 * Biomuta DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3119 / gastrointestinal system cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
T312 A312 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
T312 S312 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
T312 I312 Biomuta DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ icgc ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
S313 C313 Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
S313 N313 Biomuta DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
S314 C314 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
S314 F314 Biomuta DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ]
S315 C315 Biomuta DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
S315 P315 Biomuta DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K319 E319 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
K319 N319 Biomuta DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K319 R319 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
K319 * Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K320 * Biomuta DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K320 E320 Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
K320 N320 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic ]
K321 * Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ]
Y327 * Biomuta DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ]
Y327 D327 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
R333 C333 Biomuta DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ icgc ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
R333 P333 Biomuta DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ]
R333 H333 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3277 / thymus cancer [ cosmic ]
K334 R334 Biomuta DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
R335 L335 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
R337 S337 Biomuta DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
R337 P337 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
R337 H337 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3565 / meningioma [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
R337 G337 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
R337 C337 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:363 / uterine cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11615 / penile cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2394 / ovarian cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1781 / thyroid gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:1781 / thyroid cancer [ icgc ] DOID:10534 / stomach cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1725 / peritoneum cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:1245 / vulva cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
R337 L337 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:10283 / prostate cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:3571 / liver cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:184 / bone cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1793 / pancreatic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1115 / sarcoma [ icgc ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11934 / head and neck cancer [ icgc ] DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic, icgc ] DOID:11615 / penile cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:9253 / gastrointestinal stromal tumor [ cosmic ]
K351 R351 Biomuta DOID:9253 / gastrointestinal stromal tumor [ cosmic ]
K351 E351 Biomuta [ cosmic ] DOID:3953 / adrenal gland cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1115 / sarcoma [ icgc ] DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ]
K351 * Biomuta DOID:4606 / bile duct cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:5041 / esophageal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
K351 N351 Biomuta DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ]
S366 A366 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ]
K370 Q370 Biomuta DOID:1324 / lung cancer [ cosmic ]
S371 P371 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ]
K372 * Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
K373 R373 Biomuta DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
S376 T376 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
S376 A376 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ]
S376 F376 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ]
S376 C376 Biomuta DOID:4362 / cervical cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
T377 P377 Biomuta DOID:9256 / colorectal cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:2531 / hematologic cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:11054 / urinary bladder cancer [ cosmic, icgc ]
T377 I377 Biomuta DOID:8618 / oral cavity cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ]
S378 F378 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ] DOID:263 / kidney cancer [ cosmic ]
K381 N381 Biomuta DOID:4159 / skin cancer [ cosmic ]
K386 N386 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ]
S392 P392 Biomuta DOID:1319 / brain cancer [ cosmic ]
S392 L392 Biomuta DOID:1612 / breast cancer [ cosmic ]